I was reading, as usual, and in a paragraph of a book written by Madsen Pirie, I found a parallel about a topic I consider very important, and on which I have already written two articles, Not for sell but nore then that
A wrong model.
Topic is the abuse of the idea of the Hero against the Team approach.
Reading the Madsen Pirie book, I have seen the parallel in how many, many companies build up their teams, collecting heroes, that are absolutely not able to play with other teams members.
I have seen this happening more frequent in US companies, but not only, anyhow I want just report the section written by Madsen.
The fallacy of composition occurs when it is claimed that what is true for individual members of a class is also true for the class considered as a unit.
Some nouns can be taken to refer either to the thing as a whole or to the various parts which make it up.
It is fallacious to suppose that what is true of the parts must also be true of the new entity which they collectively make up.
"This must be a good orchestra because each of its members is a talented
(Each individual might be excellent but totally unable to play in unison with colleagues. All of these virtuosos might be far too busy trying to excel personally to play as an effective team.)
Many a football manager has similarly transferred in many first-class players, only to find himself transferred out. Unless they can work as a team, it is easier to get the manager out of the ground than the ball into the net.
"I have gathered into one regiment all of the strongest men in the army.
This will be my strongest regiment."
(I doubt it. The strength of a regiment depends on such factors as its morale and its teamwork, not to mention its speed, its ability to operate with minimal supplies, and similar attributes.)
Let me say (Marco here), that is exactly what we see happening in some companies, were instead of having benefit, teams are consumed by this people which are so selfish and isolated to be only a disruptive elements.
Not all the heroes are like that, in fact is the model that is wrong not the people, real heroes are able to be modest and interact with everyone, not pretending but offering.
The ones that pretend to be the best and are not able to accept criticism, the ones that do not share, do not interact. Are nothing else then garbage.
The fallacy arises from a failure to recognize that the group is a distinct entity of which things can be said which do not apply to individual persons.
Evidence advanced to attest to the qualities of the members is therefore irrelevant to an appraisal of the group.
Americans are particularly vulnerable to this fallacy because their grammar makes no distinction between the collective entity and the individuals within it.
It seems to be universal in the American language to use singular verbs for collective nouns, regardless of whether the members or the group are being referred to.
In English we would say 'the crew is a good one', referring to it as a separate entity, but 'the crew are tired', if we are speaking of its members.
In American one uses the singular verb in both cases, losing an important distinction.
Marco here again ...
Trust me if you are a CEO, a good one you do not want to have your company made by heroes, but by teams.
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