
We recently had to face again the annoying issue of the InnoDB is in the future.

In specifics we were rebuilding a server instance performing a full InnoDB shutdown and copy over the files.

Anyhow what happens, that at the restart iblogs we not align anymore and we start to get the usual message:


-- DEBUG: Analyzing 120224 16:48:02 InnoDB: Error: page 303939 log sequence number 1128 2124763127

-- DEBUG: Analyzing InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 36 2562905520.

-- DEBUG: Analyzing InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt or you may have copied the InnoDB

-- DEBUG: Analyzing InnoDB: tablespace but not the InnoDB log files. See

-- DEBUG: Analyzing InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/forcing-recovery.html

-- DEBUG: Analyzing InnoDB: for more information.



Our customer still use 5.0 (not that matter) and have TERA of data and large iblogs, finally the box was supposed to be on production site.

In short we had to fix it filling up to the recorded position, given we cannot do a full export/reload of the dataset and also we need to be careful in not pushing that in one shot, given the dimension of the gap, and that the server is on production.

I was looking around for simple script doing it, which also contains some customization, but either I miss them or they don't exist. So decide to take it short and write a simple tool.

We are using it, takes is time but we are solving the problem and is not affecting the server performance.

If you need it, here it is, free and on your own risk: FillIblog toll

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