I attend five session today and I think some of them were very interesting.


Like the one on the Optimizer insight, quite informative and accurate.


The other one done by the MySQL CLuster (NDB) group on the installer and new Javascript API interface, left me a little bit ... foggy. Why? Because in my mind one of the most important thing to accomplish in NDB is the correct dimensioning of the memory, buffers, possible operation, attributes and so on, all things that should come from the review of the schema definition review and from the application analysis.

Now given the review analysis of the schema is still not present in the installer, I think that we mis a very important peace of information.


When I raise the issue, Bernd mention that they are thinking of integrating that as well, good move and I hope to see it soon.


About the javascript API honestly I think this is a real waste of time, but maybe someone will use it.

The next two where from Peter Z. and Vadim, both containing material already saw, and nothing really new.


Last one on MySQL Migration wizard, It is good to see that Oracle decide to revive the project. I was expecting something more then what was presented, given what was there is mainly what was in the old MySQL Migration Toolkit, for the good and for the bed. In short the main work done was to port the code from Delphi,Java lua to Python and C++.


But still the same old issue like data streaming from source to destination using a third element (box) where the tool needs to run.

No control on the data loading status, which in case of crash of the data loading will bound to reload all data from start, and so on.

I think there is a lot of work to do in this project, and I am convince that the developers need a significant help, in order to focus on the real issues that could be the real value of the tool, instead useless cosmetics.

In general the day was good, but my honest impression is that Oracle is in good shape from the product side, but not good in other areas like interaction and presentation with customer and partners.


There is where the great MySQL diaspora had hit Oracle most, but maybe this first conference is the indication of a change of direction.

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